Friday, February 20, 2009

all this love crap.

Everything have been going so good lately. NOT. These past couple days, these past 11 days have been like hell. My mind is so fucked at the moment that I couldn't even get the most simple bus schedule to make any sense, so I ended up being stuck at home tonight, instead of actually going outside the door to see my friends for the first time in two weeks. I feel like my cat, the only things I do is being at home, eat and sleep. I wish there was a cure for heartaches. If you have one, please let me know about it.

I've been surprisingly creative today. I found some old silk dresses and curtains, and I made two skirts, two tops and a dress out of it. Now you're probably wondering why the fuck I did that out of nowhere. I was looking through some old picture albums and I remembered that I always used to design and make my own clothes when I was younger, and I remember that made me happy, so I basically did it wishing I would get all happy again from it. It didn't really have the effect on me that I was looking for, but it kept me busy for a few hours.

My plans for tomorrow: Wake up.
My life if so fuckin' exciting at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous23.2.09

    sometimes getting out of bed counts as productive as far as i'm'll pass, babygirl
